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Astragaloside IV

Astragaloside IV

产品编号 T2973   CAS 84687-43-4
别名: AST-IV, 黄芪甲苷IV, AS-IV, 黄芪皂苷 IV

Astragaloside IV (AS-IV) 是从黄芪中分离得到的一种皂苷,抑制ERK1/2和JNK 激活,在乳腺癌细胞 MDA-MB-231 中,下调(MMP)-2和(MMP)-9的信号通路。

Astragaloside IV Chemical Structure
Astragaloside IV, CAS 84687-43-4
规格 价格/CNY 货期 数量
5 mg ¥ 230 现货
10 mg ¥ 393 现货
25 mg ¥ 658 现货
50 mg ¥ 1,080 现货
100 mg ¥ 1,930 现货
500 mg ¥ 4,730 现货
1 mL * 10 mM (in DMSO) ¥ 422 现货
618惊喜特惠 4重福利大放送
千万补贴 助力科研
产品目录号及名称: Astragaloside IV (T2973)
纯度: 99.8%
纯度: 99.29%
纯度: 99%
纯度: 98.85%
TargetMol batch loading
存储 & 溶解度
天然产物 > 豆科 > 黄芪属 > Astragalus membranaceus
产品描述 Astragaloside IV (AS-IV), an active component isolated from Astragalus membranaceus, suppresses the activation of ERK1/2 and JNK, and downregulates matrix metalloproteases (MMP)-2, (MMP)-9 in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Astragaloside IV is a bioactive saponin first isolated from the dried plant roots of the genus Astragalus, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine.1 It dose-dependently inhibits human adenovirus type 3 (HAdV-3) in A549 cells (IC50 = 23 μM; LC50 = 865 μM).It inhibits replication of HAdV-3 and decreases HAdV-3-induced apoptosis. It has diverse protective effects for the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, and nervous systems. In particular, it reduces myocardial infarct size in dogs when administered prior to coronary ligation and reduces reperfusion arrhythmias in isolated rat hearts.
体外活性 Astragaloside IV inhibits the viability and invasive potential of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, suppresses the activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family members ERK1/2 and JNK, and downregulates matrix metalloproteases (MMP)-2 and -9. Astragaloside IV (10, 20, 40 ng/mL) inhibits NSCLC cell growth, whereas low concentrations of astragaloside IV (1, 2.5, 5 ng/mL) has no obvious cytotoxicity on cell viability. Furthermore, combined treatment with astragaloside IV significantly increases chemosensitivity to cisplatin in NSCLC cells. On the molecular level, astragaloside IV co-treatment significantly inhibits the mRNA and protein levels of B7-H3 in the presence of cisplatin.
体内活性 In the mice model, the high-dose astragaloside IV group has a significant increase in the 48-hour survival rate [60% (9/15) vs 13.3% (2/15), P < 0.05], significant reductions in the serum ALT and AST levels (P < 0.01), and significant reductions in liver histopathological indices and the degree of apoptosis of hepatocytes (P < 0.01), as well as a significant reduction in the content of MDA in liver homogenate (P < 0.01) and a significant increase in the activity of SOD. Astragaloside IV (10, 20 mg/kg, p.o.) shows a potent ability to prevent cognitive deficits induced by transient cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. Astragaloside IV (10 mg/kg) and Astragaloside IV (20 mg/kg) can significantly decrease the levels of these cytokines compared to the Model group. Astragaloside IV significantly inhibits the level of TLR4 and its downstream proteins, suggesting that both MyD88-dependent and -independent pathways play important roles in the anti-inflammatory effects of Astragaloside IV. Astragaloside IV attenuates NLRP3 and cleaved-caspase-1 expression as well as reduces Iba1 protein expression.
激酶实验 MDA-MB-231 cells treated as indicated or tumor tissues are harvested and lysed in Mg2+ lysis buffer containing 50 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 10 mM MgCl2, 0.5 M NaCl, and protease inhibitor cocktail. Equal amounts of lysates are incubated with PAK-PBD beads at 4°C for 1 h. PAK-PBD beads are pelleted by centrifugation and washed with ish buffer containing 25 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 30 mM MgCl2, 40 mM NaCl. Active Rac1 is detected by western blotting.
细胞实验 CCK-8 assay is adopted to determine cell viability. cultured NSCLC cells are seeded into 96-well plates at the density of 4×104 (cells/well). Then 10 μL?well CCK8 solution is added and incubated in dark at 37°C for another 2 h. The absorbance is determined with the wavelength of 490 nm.
动物实验 Transient cerebral ischemia and reperfusion is prepared by BCCAO. Mice are randomly divided into the Sham, Model, Astragaloside IV (10 mg/kg) and Astragaloside IV (20 mg/kg) treatment groups. The Astragaloside IV treatment groups are intragastrically administered 7 days before the surgery and terminated on the day of sacrifice. On the day of the surgery, Astragaloside IV is administrated 2 h prior to ischemia. The Sham-operated and Model groups are treated with distilled water. After the mice are anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of chloral hydrate (350 mg/kg), the bilateral common carotid arteries are exposed and carefully separated with a small ventral neck incision and occluded twice (20 min each) with ligated surgical silk as described previously with minor modifications. There is a 10 min reperfusion period between the two occlusion periods (ischemia 20 min ? reperfusion 10 min ? ischemia 20 min). Sham-operated mice are subjected to the same surgical operation without the surgical silk ligation. Mouse body temperature is maintained at 37±0.5°C during the surgery with heating equipment until recovery from the anesthesia.
别名 AST-IV, 黄芪甲苷IV, AS-IV, 黄芪皂苷 IV
分子量 784.97
分子式 C41H68O14
CAS No. 84687-43-4


Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year


DMSO: 50 mg/mL (63.7 mM), Sonication is recommended.


可选溶剂 浓度 体积 质量 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 25 mg
DMSO 1 mM 1.2739 mL 6.3697 mL 12.7393 mL 31.8484 mL
5 mM 0.2548 mL 1.2739 mL 2.5479 mL 6.3697 mL
10 mM 0.1274 mL 0.637 mL 1.2739 mL 3.1848 mL
20 mM 0.0637 mL 0.3185 mL 0.637 mL 1.5924 mL
50 mM 0.0255 mL 0.1274 mL 0.2548 mL 0.637 mL


中药材名称 中药材拉丁名 归经
狗脊 Cibotium barometz (L.)J.Sm. 苦, 甘 肝, 肾


中成药名称 处方组成 主治疾病 中成药类型
穿龙骨刺胶囊 穿山龙,淫羊藿,狗脊,川牛膝,熟地黄,枸杞子 口服。一次6~8粒,一日3次。 清热药
蛤蚧大补丸(胶囊) 蛤蚧,党参,黄芪,枸杞子,当归,茯苓,熟地黄,女贞子,甘草,山药,木瓜,狗脊,巴戟天(盐制),白术,续断(盐制),杜仲,黄精,骨碎补(炒) 口服,一次3~5粒,一日2次。 补肾壮骨药
龟鹿补肾片 菟丝子,淫羊藿,续断,锁阳,狗脊,酸枣仁,制何首乌,炙甘草,陈皮,鹿角胶,熟地黄,龟甲胶,金樱子,密黄芪,山药,覆盆子 口服,一次2-4片,一日2次。 扶正药
盆炎净咀嚼片 忍冬藤,鸡血藤,狗脊,蒲公英,益母草,车前草,赤芍,川芎 口腔中咀嚼或吮服溶化后吞服。一次5片,一日3次。 清热药
盆炎净片 忍冬藤,鸡血藤,狗脊,蒲公英,益母草,车前草,赤芍,川芎 口服,一次4片,一日3次。 扶正药
解毒维康胶囊 绵马贯众,半枝莲,土茯苓,青黛,白花蛇舌草,黄芪,狗脊,肉苁蓉,巴戟天,菟丝子,青蒿,枸杞子,乌梅 口服,一次3粒,一日3次。 清热药
骨力胶囊 淫羊藿,狗脊,威灵仙,木瓜,牛膝,姜黄,补骨脂,党参,葛根 口服,一次3粒,一日3次。 活血化瘀药
蛤蚧大补胶囊 蛤蚧,党参,黄芪,枸杞子,当归,茯苓,熟地黄,女贞子,甘草,山药,木瓜,狗脊,巴戟天(盐制),白术,续断(盐制),杜仲,黄精,骨碎补(炒) 口服。一次3~5粒,一日2次。 补肾壮骨药
参鹿健肺胶囊 人参,鹿茸,枸杞子,何首乌,黄芪,白术,茯苓,远志,黄柏,狗脊,当归,核桃仁 口服,一次3粒,一日2次。 扶正药
抗骨增生颗粒 熟地黄,肉苁蓉,狗脊,女贞子,淫羊藿,鸡血藤,莱菔子,骨碎补,牛膝 吞服,每次1袋,一日3次。 补肾壮骨药
盆炎净口服液 忍冬藤,蒲公英,鸡血藤,益母草,狗脊,车前草,赤芍,川芎 口服,一次10毫升,一日3次。 清热药
龟甲养阴片(薄膜衣片) 龟甲,覆盆子,鳖甲,车前子,石决明,菟丝肉,山药,桑椹,地黄,山楂,牡丹皮,泽泻,龙骨,牡蛎,丹参,紫贝母,熟地黄,制何首乌,珍珠母,牛膝,枸杞子,狗脊,五味子,当归,女贞子,茯苓 口服,一次8~10片,一日3次。 扶正药
复方补骨脂颗粒 补骨脂,锁阳,续断,狗脊,赤芍,黄精 开水冲服。一次1袋,一日2次;1~2周为一个疗程。 扶正药
龟甲养阴片(糖衣片) 龟甲,覆盆子,鳖甲,车前子,石决明,菟丝肉,山药,桑椹,地黄,山楂,牡丹皮,泽泻,龙骨,牡蛎,丹参,紫贝母,熟地黄,制何首乌,珍珠母,牛膝,枸杞子,狗脊,五味子,当归,女贞子,茯苓 口服,一次8~10片,一日3次。 扶正药
龙参补益膏 人参,西洋参,地黄,熟地黄,龟板胶,鹿角胶,黄芪(蜜炙),白术,茯苓,大枣,白芍,龙眼肉,阿胶,川芎,山茱萸,狗脊,肉苁蓉,菟丝子,巴戟天,女贞子,墨旱莲,桑椹,核桃仁,海螵蛸,沙苑子,麦冬,石斛,五味子,石菖蒲,远志,龙骨,牡砺,陈皮,蒺藜,椿皮,甘草(蜜炙) 开水化服,一次15克(约相当于所配定量勺2平勺),一日2次。 扶正药
盆炎净胶囊 忍冬藤,蒲公英,鸡血藤,益母草,狗脊,车前草,赤芍,川芎 口服,一次5粒,一日3次。 清热药
人参卫生丸 人参,茯苓,炙黄芪,泽泻(炒),胡芦巴,肉苁蓉(制),芡实,党参,熟地黄,白术(制),白芍(制),石菖蒲,狗脊,巴戟天(制),山药,锁阳(制),酸枣仁(炒),豆蔻(制),枸 口服,大蜜丸一次1丸,小蜜丸一次9克,一日1次。 扶正药
解毒维康片 绵马贯众,半枝莲,土茯苓,青黛,白花蛇舌草,黄芪,狗脊,肉苁蓉,巴戟天,菟丝子,青蒿,枸杞子,乌梅 口服,一次3片,一日3次。 清热药
蛤蚧大补丸 蛤蚧,熟地黄,狗脊,续断,骨碎补,党参,黄芪,黄精,杜仲,巴戟天,山药 口服,一次3~5粒,一日2次。 补肾壮骨药
巴戟胶囊 巴戟天,何首乌,杜仲,肉苁蓉,续断,仙茅,金樱子,淫羊藿(叶),覆盆子,当归,党参,熟地黄,枸杞子,甘草,黄芪,狗脊,滑石粉 口服,一次3粒,一日3次。 扶正药


方剂名称 处方组成 剂型 处方来源
木瓜牛膝丸 木瓜,川乌,牛膝,萆薢,茴香,羌活,青皮,大青盐,狗脊,巴戟天,海桐皮 丸剂 《三因》卷三。
牛膝丸16 牛膝,石斛,狗脊,桂心,川椒,附子,干姜 丸剂 《圣惠》卷四十四。
巴戟丸10 干漆,巴戟天,杜仲,牛膝,桂心,狗脊,独活,五加皮,山茱萸,山药,防风,附子 丸剂 《普济方》卷一五四。
石南丸1 石楠,续断,黄芪,狗脊,木瓜,乌药,地龙,乌头 丸剂 《鸡峰》卷四。
白蔹散12 鹿茸,白蔹,狗脊 散剂 方出《千金》卷四,名见《圣济总录》卷一五二。
石斛丸6 石斛,天冬,五味子,巴戟天,牛膝,肉苁蓉,干漆,菟丝子,白术,远志,茯苓,熟地黄,覆盆子,薯蓣,补骨脂,人参,石龙芮,五加皮,萆薢,狗脊,石楠,杜仲,天雄,鹿茸 丸剂 《圣惠》卷七。
五将丸 淫羊藿,牛膝,木瓜,萆薢,狗脊 丸剂 《普济方》卷二四六引《仁存方》。
地黄煎2 生地黄,防风,黄芪,鹿角胶,当归,丹参,桑寄生,狗脊,牛膝,羊髓 汤剂 《圣惠》卷二十六。
石斛丸11 石斛,天雄,侧子,牛膝,赤茯苓,狗脊,桂心,干姜 丸剂 《圣惠》卷四十四。
白芷汤2 白芷,白术,川芎,防风,羌活,麻黄,石膏,牛膝,狗脊,萆薢,薏苡仁,杏仁,附子,葛根,桂枝 汤剂 《圣济总录》卷九。
牛膝丸24 牛膝,肉苁蓉,防风,海桐皮,自然铜,威灵仙,狗脊,乌头,没药,乳香,骨碎补,地龙,木鳖子 丸剂 《圣济总录》卷八十一。
地黄丸25 熟地黄,山茱萸,萆薢,当归,续断,川芎,黄芪,五味子,狗脊,细辛,茯苓,牛膝,木瓜 丸剂 《圣济总录》卷四十一。
白蔹丸 鹿茸,白蔹,狗脊 丸剂 方出《圣惠》卷七十三,名见《济生》卷六。
天门冬煎丸 天冬,地骨皮,酥,生地黄,鹿髓,牛髓,桂枝,白术,葳蕤,石菖蒲,远志,泽泻,山药,人参,石斛,牛膝,杜仲,细辛,蔓荆子,独活,枳壳,川芎,黄芪,肉苁蓉,续断,狗脊,萆薢,白芷,巴戟天,刺五加,覆盆子,陈皮,胡麻子,大豆黄卷,茯苓,甘草,石楠叶,柏子仁,川椒,阿胶,鹿角,大枣,薏苡仁 丸剂 《圣济总录》卷八十四。
四生丸6 萆薢,防风,狗脊,乌头 丸剂 《圣济总录》卷一八六。
四生丸 乌头,木鳖子,狗脊,苦参 丸剂 《圣济总录》卷五十二。
木瓜丸6 狗脊,艾叶,木瓜,天麻,当归,萆薢,肉苁蓉,牛膝 丸剂 《局方》卷五(宝庆新增方)。
人参汤134 人参,防风,乌头,干姜,泽泻,狗脊,远志,附子,天花粉,黄芩,独活,秦艽,牡蛎,五味子,前胡,细辛,石膏,川芎,川椒,牛膝,甘草,石楠,肉桂,麻黄,竹茹,白术,山茱萸,橘皮,桑白皮,茯苓,鬼箭羽,大枣 汤剂 《千金》卷十四。
白花蛇散8 白花蛇,白附子,磁石,天麻,狗脊,侧子,萆薢,白僵蚕,细辛,防风,白术,川芎,白鲜皮,羌活,蔓荆子 散剂 《圣惠》卷十九。
地黄丸28 干地黄,泽泻,山茱萸,萆薢,薯蓣,牛膝,白术,天雄,蛴螬,干漆,狗脊,车前子,茵芋 丸剂 《圣惠》卷十九。

TargetMol Calculator计算器



TargetMol Library Books参考文献

1. Li M, et al. Astragaloside IV attenuates cognitive impairments induced by transient cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in mice via anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Neurosci Lett. 2016 Dec 20. pii: S0304-3940(16)3201994-6 2. He CS, et al. Astragaloside IV Enhances Cisplatin Chemosensitivity in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells Through Inhibition of B7-H3. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2016;40(5):1221-1229. Epub 2016 Dec 14. 3. Liu L, et al. [Protective effect of astragaloside IV against acute liver failure in experimental mice]. Zhonghua Gan Zang Bing Za Zhi. 2016 Oct 20;24(10):772-777. 4. Jiang K, et al. Astragaloside IV inhibits breast cancer cell invasion by suppressing Vav3 mediated Rac1/MAPK signaling. Int Immunopharmacol. 2016 Dec 5;42:195-202

TargetMol Library Books文献引用

1. Chen X, Tian C, Zhang Z, et al.Astragaloside IV Inhibits NLRP3 Inflammasome-Mediated Pyroptosis via Activation of Nrf-2/HO-1 Signaling Pathway and Protects against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction.Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark.2023, 28(3): 45. 2. Zhang X, Yan W, Chen X, et al.Long-term 4-nonylphenol Exposure Drives Cervical Cell Malignancy Through MAPK-mediated Ferroptosis Inhibition.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2024: 134371.
Histatin 5 acetate 4',6,7-Trimethoxyisoflavone Marimastat Cytochalasin H Luteolin 7-O-glucuronide NSC 405020 MMP-2/MMP-9 Inhibitor I GI254023X


天然产物库 抗病毒库 神经退行性疾病化合物库 激酶抑制剂库 中药单体化合物库 高通量筛选天然产物库 抗癌活性化合物库 抑制剂库 疼痛相关化合物库 糖类及苷类化合物库

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TargetMol Calculator 体内实验配液计算器

请在以下方框中输入您的动物实验信息后点击计算,可以得到母液配置方法和体内配方的制备方法: 比如您的给药剂量是10 mg/kg,每只动物体重20 g,给药体积100 μL,一共给药动物10 只,您使用的配方为5% DMSO+30% PEG300+5% Tween 80+60% ddH2O。那么您的工作液浓度为2 mg/mL。

母液配置方法:2 mg 药物溶于 50 μL DMSO (母液浓度为 40 mg/mL), 如您需要配置的浓度超过该产品的溶解度,请先与我们联系。

体内配方的制备方法:取 50 μL DMSO 主液,加入 300 μL PEG300, 混匀澄清,再加 50 μL Tween 80,混匀澄清,再加 600 μL ddH2O, 混匀澄清。

% Tween 80
% ddH2O
计算 重置




Astragaloside IV 84687-43-4 Endocrinology/Hormones MAPK Proteases/Proteasome JNK MMP ERK Estrogen/progestogen Receptor Extracellular signal regulated kinases Inhibitor AST-IV inhibit 黄芪甲苷IV Matrix metalloproteinases AS-IV 黄芪皂苷 IV inhibitor


TargetMol Loading
